Wednesday, 24 February 2010


We have now donnee all our filming! completed it earlier at coombe abbey :) everything went well and now just gotta finish editing the rest of movie :) weve picked out some music and now just have to pick which tracks were using :) Comming Along well! a draft should be up soon :)

Monday, 22 February 2010

Difference between an opening and a trailer?

  • Provides a summary or plot outline
  • character roles are clearly defined (Propp)
  • Short and varied clips from entire film
  • Audience gets clear idea of equilibrium (Todorov)Music is a selling tool
  • Voice Over


  • Engima codes (Barthes)
  • Character roles are limited, main character shown only
  • Establishing shot for setting
  • Action shots (Barthes)
  • Audience gets a hint of disequilibrium
  • Titles are imaginative and fit genre
  • Variety of shots are used
  • Does the audience want to carry on watching?
  • Does the music fit the genre

Our Work is definatly an opening because it fits the opening criteria and doesnt fir the criteria of a trailor.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


Did most filming today of beggining shots of beth. Just need to be edited now. We are going to filming the last remainding bits of beth waking up in the forest some time this week as it's bin raining today. But on the all everythings going well and first draft should be ready for preveiwing next week :)