Monday 11 January 2010

Our Opening

The genre We're thinking of doing is a serious drama/horror.
The target audience will be teens/young adults.
We don't know where I'm going to shoot my film. We might shoot one scene at someones house and then shoot another part in auburn place as our film is about a girl at college getting drugged and so we'll have a scene where shes running away from the bad guy. Not sure about this as we'll probably need permission to do what we want. We just want a long corridor for the victim to run down and we could use Auburn place as a dorm.
The storyline is a girl goes to a party and someone spikes her drink, then she decides to go but gets kidnapped. Then she wakes up the next morning finding herself in the woods and may even be raped, but we wont show the actual raping cause that would be discusting! We might just use objects that indicates that shes been raped such as ripped clothing, bruises etc we're thinking of the best friend falling out with the victim and so she spikes the drink, just to give a reason for what happened. not quite sure what they fall out over yet.
Our Characters will be the lead as the victim, the best friend as a villian, the rapist as the bad guy obviously and extras as the people at the party. and not sure who else we will need at the moment.
The costume we will need is just outgoing clothes that people where when they go out to a party, but we think we need to get an outfit for the victim that is ok to ruin. we will need to get make-up to create the bruises as the person playing the victim wont appreciate having real bruises.
The Props that we will need is just mainly party stuff and need to get a tablet that fizzes in a drink for the drugging. Need party lights and other stuff to show its a party.
The soundtrack will be music that is relevant to a party scene and when the scene gets more serious, the music changes to a serious mood aswell.

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